
Lieferketten managen: Gesetz, Anforderungen und Audit

In unserer kostenfreien Webinaraufzeichnung erfahren Sie ...

  • Referenzen und Politischer Rahmen
  • Marktmechanismen
  • Bewertung bestehender Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen
  • Grundlagen Lieferkettenmanagement

     Ich willige ein, regelmäßig interessante Informationen zu Produkten und Neuigkeiten z.B. Informationen zu neuen Services, Gesetzesupdates, Einladungen zu Events GERMANCERT per E-Mail, Telefon oder Brief zu erhalten. Ich kann meine Einwilligung jederzeit per E-Mail an oder über den Abmeldelink in jedem Newsletter/jeder E-Mail widerrufen Datenschutzerklärung. *

    * Pflichtfelder

    Qualifikation/ Weiterbildung




    Quality management

    Safety, environment and risk

    Environment, safety and health

    Food industry, agriculture, animal husbandry

    Information security, technology services

    Accreditation and laboratory services

    Engineering, technical and inspection

    Quality management in the automotive industry

    Data Center Quality Techniques

    Marketing and sales

    Quality techniques

    Project Management

    General management system

    International Trade and Commerce


    Why train with the academy?

     Experience and competence of the Academy GERMANCERT Academy offers its training with a practical approach by accessing the latest knowledge and experience in the world and by using experienced and experienced instructors. The experience of academy instructors allows participants to apply what they have learned in the workplace.

    Validity of the name and certificate of the Academy

    Choosing GERMANCERT-Academy as an educational institution for your customers, competitors, investors, suppliers, legal entities and personnel shows that you are looking to get and learn the best for your organization.


    Management Services

    Safety and innovation, Management Services of GERMANCERT is able to provide services as a science-based company by means of experienced staff and the right path considering the lacks in distribution of specific services in the technical inspection market, seeking new markets, introducing itself by the power of experienced inter

    Building Inspection

    GERMANCERT Company provides below services in building assurance field by cooperation with international regulations and national insurance organizations:

    Building Inspection regarding structure modification and resilience

    Safety assessment and technical analysis of building and infrastructure

    Quality inspection for building insurance

    Risk Management Services

    Safety and innovation,

    Risk management at GERMANCERT is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.